Sunday, September 13, 2009

What should I practice at home?

After our first class, some students asked me what poses I recommend for them to practice at home.  I am glad to offer some suggestions, as long as it is understood that the best way to approach yoga practice is to go to the mat and try to follow your own cues. It can be a wonderful way to confirm and integrate the knowledge you gained in class, and the very effort to remember the postures you just learned will be its own reward.

So, for the beginner, a couple of suggestions:

Establish a practice space at home.
Roll out your mat and claim it.
It is nice to have an empty wall nearby,
but not essential.

Practicing for 10-20 minutes several times
a week is preferable to one protracted hour-and-a-half
practice per week.

Poses from our first class:

Warm up on the floor with
Cat Pose  Viralasana

Child Pose  Balasana

Downward Facing Dog Pose
Urdvha Mukha Svanasana

Transition with
Surya Namaskar:
Flow sequence with
standing forward bend,
lunge, rocking back and forth.
Get the breath coordinated with the movements.

Downward Facing Dog Pose
Urdvha Mukha Svanasana
(Yes, practice it again!  You can't do too many!)

Standing poses:
Triangle Pose Uttitha Trikonasana

Extended Side Angle Stretch Parsvakonasa

Tree Pose  Vrksasana

Standing Forward Bend

Bridge Pose  Setu Banda Sarvangasana

Reclined twist of any variety

Corpse Pose Savasana

If you simply Google the names of these poses,
appropriate visuals and videos will come up.

See you on the mat!

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